The family of Alyaksandr Klaskouski asks for help!

After the brutal crackdown of the peaceful act of protest in Independence Square on 19.12.2010 a former policeman, Alyaksandr Klaskouski, has been behind bars.
He faces the longest sentence of all those who were on the Square – eight and a half years.
In Alyaksandr’s family three small children are left. Since his wife Natallya at the present time is on maternity leave, the very acute question of survival is facing the family. Natallya has asked for help from all those who care about someone else’s grief, who believe in supporting others and in human solidarity.
Help can be sent to the following address:
Klaskouskaya Natallya Mikhailauna,
Post Box 141, 220094, Minsk, Republic of Belarus