A support group of “European Belarus” has recently been set up in Warsaw

The group has been set up on the initiative of Belarusian activists forced to stay in Poland. The main aim of the group is to inform the Polish and European public about the situation which currently exists in the Republic of Belarus, and about the massive repressions that have been applied against the democratic community.
The meeting was attended by the politician Viktor Ivashkevich, who told the audience about the situation in Belarus, and about what Belarusians who had emigrated could do to help their country.
The coordinator of the civil campaign “European Belarus”, Dmitri Borodko, said that support groups of “European Belarus” have also been set up in Gdansk, Wroclaw and Krakow. “We call upon all Belarusians who are living abroad, all patriots and simply all people who sympathize with the struggle of Belarusians for freedom, to create similar groups not only across Europe but all over the world!” the politician urged.
You can contact us on e-mail: europeanbelarus.org@gmail.com