Dmitrii Borodko: Rallies of solidarity will continue

Rallies of solidarity, which are being carried out by the civil campaign "European Belarus", are currently only being supported by network revolutionaries, the relatives of political prisoners and people who simply care.
Unfortunately, it must be said that political parties and movements which call themselves “the opposition” not only failed to support the campaign, but also many of them harshly criticised it. It is strange, at the very least. Indeed, many of the leaders of these parties themselves have been through the furnace of the Belarusian Gestapo. They have experienced the hard way all the horrors which Andrei Sannikov, Nikolai Statkevich, Dmitrii Bondarenko, Dmitrii Dashkevich and many others continue to suffer every day, as previously.
Perhaps it is difficult for them to recognize that the political initiative has not been theirs for a long time already. New heroes are appearing in the country. Heroes indeed! It is they who are now saving people who have been thrown behind bars. It is they who are attracting public attention to the national tragedy into which the country has plunged. They pay for it with their freedom, saving the honour of the nation.
In such a situation, one would like to hear even words of solidarity or support from the so-called leaders, but certainly not criticism. There is no desire to go out on the streets – just to come to court and support these young people. After all, tomorrow new people will go out on to the Square. How can they go into battle, knowing that the allies in the fight them do not only fail to support them, but also condemn them?
Today, from the lips of some politicians one hears of initiatives about declaring a moratorium on carrying out street protests. I would have declared moratoria on such statements and on such politicians.
Dmitrii Borodko, coordinator of the civil campaign “European Belarus”.