Alla Sannikova: The Belarusian nation is paralysed with fear

Alla Sannikov is convinced that her son went to the elections in order that Belarusian citizens "might feel like enlivened people, genuine patriots of their Motherland."
“The world community is having a greater influence on the political trials in Belarus than Belarusian people, who for the most part are paralysed with fear and “sit under it, like under a broom,” Alla Sannikova declared to BelaPAN; she is the mother of Andrei Sannikov, the candidate for the presidency in the 2010 elections, who is accused in the case of the mass disorders in Minsk on 19 December, 2010.
Together with other relatives of political prisoners, Alla Sannikova took part on 28 April in a memorial service in memory of the mother (Olga Dashkevich) of the leader of the MMO “Young Front”, Dmitrii Dashkevich. She died on the night of 26 April, aged 55 years old, and on 28 April was buried in Old Roads (Minsk Region). A prayer service, with more than 20 relatives of political prisoners and members of the public, took place in Minsk at the Red Church.
As Sannikova noted, everything will remain unchanged in the country without the active participation of the Belarusian people, who must stop being afraid, continue to fight for their rights and to show solidarity with each other. Alla Sannikova is convinced that her son went to the elections in order that Belarusian citizens “might feel like enlivened people, true patriots of their Motherland.” She described her son’s court case as a mock trial. “What can you expect from a court, at which one is ashamed to listen to how the arguments of the case are put together? I understand that he is facing such a trial, because Andrei was a leading opponent of the government at the presidential elections. Look, in our country going into presidential elections means going to jail,” said Alla Sannikova.