Let’s help Andrei Ilyin!

On 11 April 2011 at the moment of the explosion, Andrei got off the train at the metro station "Oktyabrskaya"...Like hundreds of other metro passengers, he was returning home after work to his wife, son and little daughter.
For more than 10 years Andrei has devoted himself to medicine, saving the lives of people. In his student years he worked as a medical assistant, after graduating from the Belarusian State Medical University as a doctor. On the day of the tragedy he was on “the other side” of his work. After the explosion in the metro, Andrei was taken to a military hospital in serious condition with multiple bruises, wounds and – the most terrible and dangerous of all – with severe injuries to both eyes. His condition can be judged by photos and video reports.
At the present time, doctors are making efforts to save Andrei’s sight, but the situation is extremely serious and unpredictable. For the moment, it is not clear what can be done to save Andrei’s ability to see his children and the surrounding world, but it is already clear that the treatment process will be lengthy and expensive. Alone, without our assistance from you, the help for Andrei will not be enough. Only 4 months ago his daughter was born, and there were no signs then of bad luck…
We, his fellow students on the course at the Medical University, his friends and relatives, ask everyone to help Andrei and his family! Voluntary donations in Belarusian rubles can be made to the charity account. Thank you to everyone who responds to our request.
Charity account number 000012 in the branch 510 Belarusbank “code 603. Recipient: Ilina Natalia Pavlovna. Contact telephone numbers (Velcom): +37529 693 47 50 37 544 and 7777986 e-mail: helpandrew@tut.by
Internet magazine: helpandrew.livejournal.com
(Note to overseas readers: it is suggested that you send an e-mail to enquire how to send money from abroad in order to help Andrei).