Join the resistance!

Friends! Today, Belarus is facing the threat of an economic and political crisis. Instead of solving the problems facing the country, the authorities are continuing to search for enemies and to destroy the opposition. To achieve this aim, our leaders have been thrown into jail, and activists of democratic organisations have been persecuted
Today, we must make every effort to release the political prisoners, and together find a way out of the impasse in which our country finds itself.
In order to do this, we need to be able to bring truthful information to all Belarusians. Non-violent resistance to injustice and lies – this is the only way to defeat the dictatorship.
We know that we are sufficient in number. Millions of Belarusians voted against the dictator, tens of thousands actively engaged in the resistance during the presidential campaign. And now we need the help of everyone who is ready to continue to fight.
In a new section of the site новом разделе сайта we will regularly upload print materials, for download and distribution. Everyone can independently print out 10 – 15 leaflets with information about the campaign or the political prisoners, and can distribute them around his/her home or give them to friends and acquaintances.
Communicate all information about the distribution of printed materials, about violation of your rights or repression by the authorities to the e-mail of the press service of “European Belarus” You can find leaflets for distribution here. – or via Skype europeanbelarus_org,
Our strength is in our self-organization and solidarity. We are making history, and together we shall win!