Summer school in Berlin

The Heinrich Böll Foundation invites you to participate in a "Summer School for Young Belarusians in Berlin".
The school is designed for young people from Belarus aged 19-28 years old with some knowledge of English. 12 qualified people can take part.
Become familiar with the political system of Germany, with civil representatives of the community of the country, with the process of decision making at the local, national and European level. Participants will also be able to take part in and discuss the many environmental, social and cultural projects.
The Foundation covers all costs (including transport and the cost of the visa). The school will be held from 7-21 August 2011 in Berlin. The application deadline is 25 April 2011. Before this date you need to send your application and CV (Curriculum Vitae) in English to either or to maxim.rust@
More information and the necessary documentation are in the files here –