Alla Sannikova: “They are hiding the state of health of my son from me”

On 9 March, the mother of the leader of the civil campaign "European Belarus" Andrei Sannikov, tried to pass food items to her son in the KGB prison.
“Part of the food items, which had earlier been allowed to be passed on, they would not take again for some reason,” Alla Vladimirovna Sannikova told “Radio Svaboda”.
“Again they did not take everything; again they said to pass on cottage cheese. As I understand it, it is evident that his health has somehow become worse: his liver or his stomach. Nobody is telling me anything.”
In the KGB jail there is no provison for meetings of relatives of politicial prisoners with doctors; therefore there is no-one from whom to get information about the state of health of a relative who is in the “Amerikanka”. (Note for readers: a notorious KGB jail in Minsk). The administration of the KGB jail refers relatives to lawyers, but confidential meetings with barristers are not allowed to the majority of political prisoners.”