Decision of European Union is treachery, perfidy, and hypocrisy

“Actions of the European Union have precise definition and analogies in the history. This is called appeasement of dictator. Europe behaved in such a way towards Hitler in 1930ies, and later towards other dictators in Africa, Latin America, and Central Asia,” Andrei Sannikov, coordinator of the civil campaign “European Belarus”, said.
In the view of the politician, a decision of the EU on lifting visa bans on Alyaksandr Lukashenka and his officials will most likely have not the consequences, expected by some Europeans.
“The regime of Lukashenka won’t take it as a signal of good will, but will regard this as a weakness of Europe and recognition of the lawlessness and impunity of powerful people in the country,” Sannikov believes.
The coordinator of the “European Belarus” noted that the summit of EU foreign ministers decided to lift visa bans on officials of the regime of Lukashenka, but didn’t even discuss an issue on reducing Schengen visa fees for citizens of Belarus.
“In actual fact, the EU took a decision on granting free visas for the most devoted defenders of the regime, but forgot about simple Belarusians. Citizens of Belarus will continue to pay great money for an opportunity to go to Europe and will stand long queues for visas, while officials from the list will easily get free visas in their diplomatic passports. I don’t think the Europeans are so naive not to understand that their actions extend the life of dictatorship. Due to their credits and investments, the regime counts on full legalisation on European markets remaining close for control of the Belarusian citizens after lifting of bans. The Europeans most likely failed their policy towards Russia and seek to create urgently a buffer state between Europe and the Russian Federation. We know well from the history, what it can lead to,” Sannikov notes.
The politician is sure: “The decision, taken by EU foreign ministers in Luxemburg, demonstrates that Europe has neither moral leaders nor moral leadership of a state of today.”
Sannikov thinks that it means the one thing for the Belarusian democrats: “We must defend the principles, which laid in the foundation of the European Union, m ore actively, in spite of treachery, perfidy, and hypocrisy. These principles are simple, but we won’t have freedom and state without them. They are unconditional respect for human rights, democracy, and freedom of choice for everyone. Representatives of the regime of Lukashenka and he himself say openly they are not going to integrate Belarus into the European Union. But we must say resolutely that only in the European Union we a re able to stand upon our rights and defend our state. I believe that a public opinion in Europe supports us and all constructions of European politicians, based on empty promises of the Belarusian regime, will soon demonstrate their untenability.”