Belarusians against Lukashenka hereditary presidential succession

In the evening of 12 May a man in mask with moustache, characteristic comb-over and a crown on his head appeared near Kirmash shopping center in the southeast part of Minsk. Many people recognised the first person of the state in him. The popular quotations could be heard from the man in mask: “I am not obliged to anyone,” “You will live badly, but not for long,” “I don’t want my authority to fall below the knees in the eyes of these people.” The odd man worried passers-by and asked if they recognised their president.
In the evening of 12 May a man in mask with moustache, characteristic comb-over and a crown on his head appeared near Kirmash shopping center in the southeast part of Minsk. Many people recognised the first person of the state in him. The popular quotations could be heard from the man in mask: “I am not obliged to anyone,” “You will live badly, but not for long,” “I don’t want my authority to fall below the knees in the eyes of these people.” The odd man worried passers-by and asked if they recognised their president.
As it was found out later, the man was looking for his younger son to devolve power on him. After a while an heir to the throne appeared. The man in mask was going to hand him the Belarusian attributes of power – a crown and a mask.
But at this moment some young people run up to them, took and threw the crown away, pinned arms of the man in mask to his sides and got him away. After that two activists of the campaign unfurled a poster “No to succession!” on the site of the performance.
“The performance was a reaction to the latest strange Lukashenka’s actions. Some days ago the official media reported he had a third son Mikalai. During the tour round the regions, suffered from radiation, Lukashenka said in Khoiniki that his younger son would be a president of Belarus,” one of the participants of the action explained.