Tatsyana Tsishkevich: «I have gone through hardening by riot policemen’s truncheons and cells in Akrestsin Street detention center”

Tatsyana Tsishkevich: «I have gone through hardening by riot policemen’s truncheons and cells in Akrestsin Street detention center”. An activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus” Tatsyana Tsishkevich together with other participants of the Process of Fourteen has been sentenced to 2 years of correctional labour.
Tatsyana Tsishekvich has told to the Charter’97 press-center about the court.
– Tatsyana, how have you received the verdict of the Tsentralny court to you?
– Frankly speaking, at that moment I have been thinking more about the verdict to Andrei Kim, and how his mother felt. Her heart is so heavy now. And it is unclear why some participants of the trial were so happy after the trial.
As for the verdict, I have been expecting something of the kind. It was clear that all of us won’t be sent to prison, but we won’t be acquitted either.
I was certainly glad that Syarheeu and Kojpish were fined. Anton’s parents worried and were nervous in the court.
– What impression has the trail made on you?
– The trial has been vividly characterized by the judge and journalists with one word – a circus. It all could be funny, if it were not so sad.
– Where the witnesses of accusation convincing?
– Public in the court room should be asked about that. Maybe testimony of the policemen that “the rally was held in Victors’ Avenue” and “Its participants were drunk” and “threw policemen under wheels of cars”, that we organized “a bacchanalia and outrages” were persuasive for the judge. For any sane person these accusations are absurd.
– To you mind, why Andrei Kim was treated so harsh?
– Charges against Kim fell to pieces in front of our very eyes, when we were seeing video recordings. His lawyer confirmed his innocence fully. I expected that Andrei would be released in the court room, that he would be sentenced to correctional labour, or simply the term he had served in the remand prison would be considered.
The verdict was a shock. Apparently the regime needs an example to intimidate young people. But by their actions they have created and example of how a real patriot of Belarus should act. Andrei’s conduct during the trial was brilliant, he hasn’t shown fear or lack of confidence by any word or gesture.
– Solidarity actions were taking place near the court all the time. Was it an encouragement for you?
– Certainly. It was a very serious support that friends and acquaintances were in the court room all the time. Solidarity is the thing the regime fears most. That is why they are trying to prevent displays of solidarity carefully. I was tried primarily for solidarity wit market vendors.
Even when the court room was half-empty, or there were BRYU members there, we knew that dozens of our friends are outside, and it lifted our spirit even more.
– Will your life change after the trial?
– Certainly, I would have to be more careful, and restrict myself in many things. For instance, unfortunately, after such a verdict O won’t be able to take part in street protests so often. However there many other directions n our work where I can apply my skills and experience. I won’t sit doing nothing.
– Will the verdict influence your values and priorities in life?
– After the things I saw during the process, after the support I felt at the trial, I simply do not have a right to change my priorities. As for my values in life, they haven’t been formed yesterday. They have gone through hardening by riot policemen’s truncheons and cells of Akrestsin Street detention center. The hysterics of the judge and a verdict based on lies won’t change them.