Hold on, sister!

Is it strange to think about freedom, coming home late night and looking at an unfinished cup of tea? No. My sister and I were once seeking for definition for “freedom”...
– Freedom is a finished up cup of tea…
– ???
– It’s usually not enough time to drink a cup of tea. Something may come up, someone may phone, and you must hurry, go somewhere, do something… But tea in a cup… Freedom is when you want to drink a tea, make as much as you need, any sort you want, and drink it… Quietly, with pleasure and freedom you drink your tea… Freedom is a finished up cup of tea…
I remember that conversation… There is a full cup of tea on the table now. She made it yet in the morning. And run away… She didn’t even make a drop. She often left half cup of tea or coffee. And almost full cup today. She is in a district militia department. The trial is tomorrow. The result is known now. “Found guilty in accordance with the article 23.34 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus in violation the order of holding of mass events… sentenced to administrative arrest.” The result is known, but still there is a hope. Just blind unreasonable hope, belief on miracle, maybe…
I’m looking at the photo, where she is pushed into a militia car… 25 March, when she came home a week ago, she had blue legs… Bastards, who pump muscles every day, were not top beat a girl at face, legs, stomach. Y sister wasn’t their only victim. I wasn’t near her…
Hold on, sister… I’m with you…
Note. Palina Kuryanovich, activist of the civil campaign “”European Belarus,” was detained on 2 April during the action near the Russian embassy “No to Russia, yes to Europe!” against Belarus’ possible joining the Russian Federation. She was sentenced to 10 days of arrest on 3 April. The trial lasted not more than 5 minutes, the judgement was read by Tatsyana Paulyuchuk, judge of the Tsentralny district court.